Standing Committees

2024-2025 Faculty Senate Committees

Academic Affairs (8)

Considers matters that are directly concerned with the University's achievement of its primary purpose.

Chair: Andy Perkins – ENG
Frank Adams – COB
Alison Lee - CVM
Jesse Morrison - CALS/MAFES
Julie Parker - CALS/MAFES
James Sobaskie - COE
Kim Walters - A&S                    
Molly Zuckerman - A&S

Ancillary Affairs (8)

Considers matters that are subservient and subordinate to and adjuncts of the primary purpose of the University, but which do not fall within the areas of Student or Faculty Affairs.

Chair: Robert Grala - CFR
Christine Coker - CALS/MAFES
Robin Fontenot - CVM
Rocky Lemus - EXT
Derek Marshall - LIB
Lauren Priddy - ENG
Tara Sutton - A&S
Kevin Williams - A&S

Charter & Bylaws (8)

Regularly reviews and recommends changes concerning the operating procedure, structure, size, representation, and other internal matters of the Senate.

Chair: Paul Spurlin - MERIDIAN
James Chamberlain - A&S
Courtney Crist - EXT
Michael Jaffe - CVM
Andrew Jarosz - A&S
Stephanie Lemley - COE
Matthew Priddy - ENG 
Barry Stewart - CALS/MAFES

Faculty Affairs (8)

Considers those ancillary matters which exclusively or primarily affect the General Faculty.

Chair: Jacob Tschume - A&S
Russell Carr - CVM
Whitney Crow - EXT
Alexis Gregory - CAAD
Kimberly Kelly - A&S 
Krish Krishnan - CALS/MAFES
Swapnil Patole - COE
Amirtaha Taebi - ENG 

Student Affairs (8)

Considers those ancillary matters which exclusively or primarily affect the students.

Chair: Stacy Haynes - A&S
Iva Ballard - COB
Tom Carskadon - A&S
Caroline Kobia - CALS/MAFES
Santanu Kundu - ENG
Rosanne Nunnery - MERIDIAN
Eric Vivier - A&S
John Wyatt - COE

University Resources (8)

Studies the allocation of resources to the University and the allocation of resources within the University.

Chair: Michele Herrmann - CAAD               
Ryan Akers - EXT
Leigh Beckman - A&S
Cheryl Justice – COE
Peter Messer - A&S (Sabbatic Leave)
Fred Musser - CALS/MAFES
Neeraj Rai - ENG 
Amber Robinson - A&S (Fill-in for Messer)
Beth Stokes - CFR 

President: Robert Banik - A&S
Vice President: Mike Breazeale - COB
Secretary: Stacy Haynes - A&S